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Academic Exchange Programs

U.S. Mission Russia Academic Exchanges for Students, Scholars, and Educators


Fulbright Program: the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government increasing mutual understanding between the people of the United States and Russia. http://www.fulbright.ru/. 


Year of Exchange in America for Russians: a unique opportunity for Russian students to spend an academic year at U.S. community colleges and universities, strengthen their English skills, engage with local communities, and learn about American society. http://www.vearprogram.org/


Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program: provides ten months of non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the United States. Humphrey Fellows are selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or the private sector. https://ru.usembassy.gov/education-culture/humphrev-program/


Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA): brings outstanding secondary school teachers to the United States to further their professional development. https://ru.usembassv.gov/ruieducation-culture-ruiteaching-excellence-achievement-tea-program-ru/


Global Undergraduate Exchange Program: provides one semester scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students for non-degree full-time study combined with community service, professional development, and cultural enrichment. https://ru.usembass_y.gov/ru/education-culture-ru/ugrad-ru/


Study of the U.S. Institutes: five-to-six week academic programs for small groups of foreign undergraduate students, scholars, and teachers which aim to promote a better understanding of American people and institutions; explore the diversity and culture of the United States; and develop or expand curricula on U.S. studies in colleges and universities overseas. https://ru.usembassv.gov/ru/education-culture-ru/studv-u-s-institutes-susi-ru/


Russia Youth Environmental Program: a four-week program for Russian youth consisting of training seminars, interactive group activities, site visits, and community service opportunities focused on environmental sustainability. http://rvep.ru/


Between the Lines Writing Program: a component of the International Writing Program (IWP) that brings young writers, aged 16-19, to the University of Iowa for creative writing study and cultural interaction. https://ru.usembassy.govieducation-culture/between-the-lines/


Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship: intensive summer institutes hosted by a U.S. college or university, focused on global issues, leadership and community service for high school students. https://ru.usembassy.gov/education-culture/benjamin-franklin-essay-contest/


Fort Ross Contest: Russian High School students design an interactive quest showcasing U.S.-Russian shared history. The winning teams travel with their teacher and a chaperone to the United States. https://ru.usembassv.gov/ru/education-culture-ru/fort-ross-ru/fortross-contest-ru/