Qualification: Bachelor of "Technology of Timber Cutting and Timber Processing Industries"
Short description: The study course provides versatile bachelor education for the "Technology of Timber Cutting and Timber Processing Industries", applying the necessary biological, technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental aspects of the field. The study therefore includes an effective combination of core subjects technical subject (as Mathematics, Physics, Constructive (Descriptive) Geometry and etc.) and objects related to the biological nature of the object of study (Dendrology for Wood technology, Timber Chemistry and etc.).
Your future professional skills: Graduates have theoretical knowledge in technical application of mathematics, physics and chemistry in the branch of wood processing industry; also they have the necessary basic biological knowledge. They understand theories, concepts and methods, which relate to wood-working industry, services and business.
Career options: During problem and unpredictable solving, graduates proceed by professional way with innovative methods, instruments and supportive argumentation using and are able to get assistance from relevant and qualified specialists. They are able to use their knowledge to start and manage their own business venture or enterprise.
Internship: Students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices in woodwork companies, research institutes, as well as in laboratories and university departments.
Reasons to study at Ukhta University: The Komi Republic is rich in timber resourсes, so USTU with its fields for practical work is a great place to study Technology of Timber Cutting and Timber Processing Industries.
Couse 1 |
History |
4 |
Foreign Language |
4 |
Mathematics |
8 |
Physics |
8 |
Computer Science |
3 |
Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics |
5 |
Material Studies. Construction Materials Technology |
3 |
Hydraulics, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Drill |
5 |
Timber Cutting and Timper Processing Industries Technologies |
4 |
Russian Language and Oral Communication |
2 |
Engineering Geodesy |
3 |
Chemistry |
2 |
Environmental Sciences |
2 |
Elective Courses on Physical Education |
History of Komi |
1 |
History of Commercial Exploration of the North |
1 |
Library and Information Culture |
1 |
Couse 2 |
Philosophy |
3 |
Foreign Language |
5 |
Economics |
2 |
Economics and Management |
3 |
Mathematics |
3 |
Classical Mechanics |
5 |
Wood Material Physics |
2 |
Strength of Materials |
3 |
Electricity and Electronics |
5 |
Thermal Engineering |
3 |
Wood Science, Wood Merchandizing |
4 |
Culturology |
2 |
Jurisprudence |
2 |
Sociology and Political Science |
4 |
Timber Processing Industries Infrastructure |
3 |
Forest Science and Forest Taxation |
3 |
Elective Courses on Physical Education |
Logics |
2 |
Business Ethics |
2 |
Couse 3 |
Basics of Product Stewardship of Timber Cutting and Timber Processing Industry |
3 |
Research Writing and Style |
3 |
Metrology, Standartization and Sertification |
3 |
Physical Education |
2 |
Machinery and Basics of Construction |
4 |
Hauling Machines |
2 |
Partial Cutting Technique and Technologies |
3 |
Forest Land Transport |
2 |
Technologies and Equipment of Timber Yards and Timber Cutting Shops |
5 |
Forest Water Transport |
4 |
Technologies and Machines of Cutting Operations |
3 |
Timber Processing Industries Investigation |
2 |
Elective Courses on Physical Education |
Forest Resource Studies |
4 |
Tempering |
4 |
Forest Administration and Supply Chain Certification |
3 |
Wood Storage, Accounting and Sertification |
3 |
Road-Buinding Materials and Machines |
5 |
Forestry Transport Development |
5 |
Road Construction Follow-Up |
3 |
Innovative Construction Decissions for Timber Industry |
3 |
Couse 4 |
Synthesis and Optimization |
5 |
Bioconversion |
2 |
Life Safety |
5 |
Timber Cutting and Timber Processing Industries Manufacturing Engineering |
6 |
Forest Land Transport |
4 |
Technologies and Machines of Cutting Operations |
3 |
Integrated Forest Utilization |
4 |
Technologies and Equipment of Timber Cutting Shops |
5 |
Patent and License Activity |
3 |
Basics of Technical Creativity |
3 |
Reafforestation Work Techique and Technologies |
2 |
Technologies and Machines of Low Volume Timber Cutting |
2 |
Hauling as Driver-Track-Road-Environment System |
3 |
Engineering, Construction and Operation of Road in the North |
3 |
Timber Processing Industries Logistics |
3 |
Linear Measurement for Forest Road Location and Engineering |
3 |
Basics of Sustained Yield Forest Management |
3 |
Social Sustainable Timber Complex Business |
3 |