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Advertising and Public Relations

Qualification: Bachelor of "Advertising and Public Relations"

Short description: This degree produces versatile communications professionals with a solid grounding in the practices of both the advertising and public relations industries, underpinned by media theory. It can lead to a wealth of exciting careers across both disciplines.

Your future professional skills: In the Advertising and Public Relations program you will develop an understanding of public relations and advertising theories and practices. You will learn to consider advertising and public relations processes, products and effects from multiple perspectives, as well as develop critical thinking skills and your ability to speak and write effectively.

Career options: The department focuses on both economic and social aspects of advertising and public relations, preparing students to pursue careers in business, communications, mass media or a variety of other organizations.

Internship: Students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices in PR-agencies, mass media centers, drilling, oil and gas enterprises as well as in university TV center.

Reasons to study at Ukhta University: USTU has its own TV center, newspapers (Alma-Mater, Polytechnics), mass media center.

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