Qualification: Specialist of "Applied Geology"
- Oil and Gas Geology;
- Applied Geochemistry, Petrology and Mineralogy.
Short description: The Department of Applied Geology is a major provider of skilled graduates to the minerals, petroleum, groundwater and environmental industries in Russia and overseas, and undertakes high-impact fundamental and applied research across a range of disciplines.
Your future professional skills: As an Applied Geology graduate you’ll have extensive knowledge of geological surface processes, the nature of near-surface processes as they pertain to engineering and construction, and geo-chemical processes, as well as possessing a fundamental understanding of geological principles. You’ll be familiar with the geophysical principles and methods used in engineering research, and have a basic understanding of the nature of groundwater, including its flow in the subsurface and its contamination. You’ll also be equipped to generate, analyze and report on moderately complex data sets, and able to use and construct both geologic and hydro-geologic maps, and other graphic displays.
Career options: You might be employed in public sectors such as federal ministries, and local and provincial government agencies related to natural resources, geology. Private-sector jobs are found in fields such as engineering geology, energy, precious-metals exploration, and land reclamation. The degree is also broadly applied to careers in teaching, interpretive-centre work, and parks-systems management.
Internship: Students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices in the fields, oil and gas fields, drilling, oil and gas enterprises, companies of geological exploration, research institutes, as well as in laboratories and university departments.
Reasons to study at Ukhta University: There are many companies in the Komi Republic which concentrate on oil and gas sector such as Gazprom, Lukoil, Rosneft, Transneft and others.
Subjects to study:
Oil and Gas Geology
Course 1 |
History |
3 |
Foreign Language |
4 |
Mathematics |
8 |
Physics |
4 |
Chemistry |
6 |
Computer Science |
7 |
Basics of Geology |
5 |
Engineering-Geological Graphics |
3 |
Basics of Geodesy and Topograhpy |
3 |
Basics of Paleontology and Stratigraphy |
3 |
Crystallography and Mineralogy |
4 |
Introduction to the Profession |
2 |
Physical Education |
Course 2 |
Foreign Language |
6 |
Russian Language and Oral Communication |
2 |
Mathematics |
8 |
Physics |
7 |
Physics and Colloid Chemistry |
2 |
Basics of Research |
2 |
Rigs and Well Drilling |
4 |
Tectonic Geology |
5 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
Geomorphology and Quaternaty Geology |
2 |
Crystallography and Mineralogy |
2 |
Petrography |
6 |
Lithology |
2 |
Basics of Hydrogeology |
3 |
Physical Education |
Course 3 |
Philosophy |
4 |
Economics |
3 |
Sociology and Political Science |
3 |
Basics of Geochemistry |
4 |
Physics of the Solid Earth |
2 |
Mechanics |
3 |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics |
3 |
Mining Equipment and Mine Working |
3 |
Basics of Mineral Deposits |
4 |
Geology and Oil & Gas Geochemistry |
5 |
Field Geophysics |
3 |
Geophysical Methods of Well Research |
4 |
Lithology-2 |
3 |
Facies Analysis |
2 |
Geological Exploration |
6 |
Physical Education |
2 |
Course 4 |
Law |
3 |
Cultural Science |
2 |
Ecology |
3 |
Mathematical Methods of Modeling in Geology |
3 |
Oil and Gas Chemistry |
3 |
Conditions of Formation of Oil and Gas Fields |
2 |
Life Safety and Arrangement of Geological Exploration |
4 |
Metrology and Standardization |
2 |
Regional Geology |
5 |
Geotectonics and Geodynamics |
4 |
Basics of Engineering Geology |
3 |
Oil and Gas Provinces of Russia and Foreign Countries |
5 |
Reservoir Geology |
5 |
Undeground Hydromechanics |
4 |
Reservior Hydrogeology |
2 |
Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Data |
2 |
Geochimical Research for Oil and Gas Exploration |
2 |
Course 5 |
Legal Basis of Oil and Gas Management |
3 |
Economics and Arrangement of Geological Exploration |
4 |
Theoretical Basics of Oil and Gas Exploration |
4 |
Calculation and Estimation of Oil & Gas Reserves |
4 |
Basics of Computer Technologies of Solving Geological Tasks |
2 |
Basics of Oil and Gas Exploration |
4 |
Basics of Management |
2 |
Intellegent complex of Exploration work |
4 |
Applied Geochemistry, Petrology and Mineralogy
Course 1 |
History |
3 |
Foreign Language |
4 |
Mathematics |
8 |
Physics |
4 |
Chemistry |
6 |
Computer Science |
7 |
Basics of Geology |
5 |
Engineering-Geological Graphics |
3 |
Basics of Geodesy and Topograhpy |
3 |
Basics of Paleontology and Stratigraphy |
3 |
Crystallography and Mineralogy |
4 |
Introduction to the Profession |
2 |
Physical Education |
Course 2 |
Foreign Language |
6 |
Russian Language and Oral Communication |
2 |
Mathematics |
8 |
Physics |
7 |
Physics and Colloid Chemistry |
2 |
Basics of Research |
2 |
Rigs and Well Drilling |
4 |
Tectonic Geology |
5 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
Geomorphology and Quaternaty Geology |
2 |
Crystallography and Mineralogy |
2 |
Petrography |
6 |
Lithology |
2 |
Basics of Hydrogeology |
3 |
Physical Education |
Course 3 |
Philosophy |
4 |
Economics |
3 |
Sociology and Political Science |
3 |
Basics of Geochemistry |
4 |
Physics of the Solid Earth |
2 |
Mechanics |
3 |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics |
3 |
Mining Equipment and Mine Working |
3 |
Basics of Mineral Deposits |
4 |
Lithology-2 |
3 |
Laborotory Methods of Research of Minerals, Rocks and Ores |
2 |
Applied Geophysics |
5 |
Geology and Oil & Gas Geochemistry |
5 |
Geoinformational Systems in Geology |
2 |
Genetic Mineralogy |
3 |
Physical Education |
2 |
Course 4 |
Law |
3 |
Cultural Science |
2 |
Ecology |
3 |
Mathematical Methods of Modeling in Geology |
3 |
Isotopic Geochemistry |
2 |
Life Safety and Arrangement of Geological Exploration |
4 |
Metrology and Standardization |
2 |
Regional Geology |
5 |
Geotectonics and Geodynamics |
4 |
Basics of Engineering Geology |
3 |
Applied Geochemistry |
3 |
Search Minerology |
3 |
Technological Minerology and Gemology |
5 |
Laborotory Methods of Research of Minerals, Rocks and Ores |
4 |
Industrial Types of Mineral Deposit Fields |
4 |
Basics of Search and Exploration of Mineral Deposit Fields |
2 |
Basics of Business Ethics and Corporate Culture |
2 |
Course 5 |
Legal Basis of Oil and Gas Management |
3 |
Economics and Arrangement of Geological Exploration |
4 |
Petrology |
5 |
Basics of Minerals Processing Technology |
3 |
Mineralogical Thermobaric Science |
2 |
Computer Modeling of Geochemical Search |
4 |
Minerography |
2 |
Regional Minerageny |
2 |
Ecological Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Mineral Deposit Fields |
2 |