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Document studies and Archives

Qualification: Bachelor of "Document studies and Archives"

Short description: Document Studies and Archival emphasizes a symbiosis of theoretical and practical archival experiences. Those specialized in Archival Studies are qualified for careers in a wide variety of settings, including: archives, libraries, manuscript repositories, special collections, records management positions. private corporations, government agencies, and religious organizations.

Your future professional skills: We’ll teach you to work in a way that provides the accountability and transparency demanded for effective public administration or which meets the needs of archive users in the wider cultural and heritage environments.

Career options: You’ll gain the knowledge you need to pursue an archives and records career in research, business, government, academia – indeed anywhere that qualified professionals are needed.

Internship: Students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices in drilling, oil and gas enterprises, other companies where this specialty is needed.

Reasons to study at Ukhta University: At USTU students get a good educational and practical basic and taught by experienced lecturers.

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