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Qualification: Bachelor of "Architecture"

Short description: Architecture is a wide-ranging discipline based on a large body of design, technical and professional knowledge, in which students develop a high level of skill. The training prepares students to make sound professional judgements in difficult, often pressurised situations. It is a long course because turning knowledge into ability, through successive design projects over the duration of the course, is a lengthy but exciting process.

Your future professional skills: If you are interested in architecture and urban design, this is the first step towards a career in architecture. Develop the drawing, design and graphic presentation skills to express architectural concepts. Analyse architectural sites and explore how to ensure the environmental sustainability of architectural projects.

Career options: Architecture graduates do very well in careers that require mathematical precision, such as finance, accounting and computer programming.

They are also used to having to think laterally. If something doesn’t work on the build, they will have to think of ways of getting round the problem. This would make them ideal for roles in the armed forces, civil service, or education.

Other relevant jobs include:

  • business and management;
  • finance;
  • fire prevention and safety;
  • law;
  • management consulting;
  • urban and rural planning.

Internship: Students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices in construction fields, oil and gas fields, drilling, oil and gas enterprises, companies of architecture design, research institutes, as well as in laboratories and university departments.

Reasons to study at Ukhta University: At USTU students get a good educational basic, taught by experienced lecturers and can get access to the university laboratories.

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