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Recognition of foreign educational certificates is a standardized form of legalization in the Russian Federation of the education received abroad.

Two national bodies in the Russian Federation are responsible for the recognition of foreign certificates and degrees. The Ministry for General and Professional Education handles the recognition of certificates and degrees related to higher education and professional qualifications. The Supreme Certification Committee is responsible for the recognition of doctorates. All recognition and equivalence measures are co-ordinated by the Russian Interagency Council on the Recognition of Higher Education Certificates, Degrees and Periods of Study.

For the recognition of higher education and professional certificates and degrees gained abroad, applicants must submit the following documents:

  • application form;
  • educational certificate or degree (original or legally-certified copy, for example by a notary public);
  • supplements to the certificate or degree, where appropriate (original or legally-certified copy, for example, by a notary public). The Russian Federation has also concluded bilateral and international agreements on the mutual recognition of certificates and degrees with more than 60 countries.

You can check more information and apply for the recognition of your educational documents at National Information Center.