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The 5th “Way to the Arctic Symposium: challenges and prospects for the development of hydrocarbon reserves”

01.11.2018 to 02.11.2018


Introduction. The development of Arctic shelf in the Russian Federation, due to the complexity of geographical, climatic and environmental conditions, requires the use of non-traditional approaches to the exploration, development and exploitation of hydrocarbon resources. Technologies should be developed and tested in the Arctic conditions close cooperation with educational organizations that have territorial proximity, innovative infrastructure and relevant practical experience in cluster development. Such development should proceed on the basis of a significant layer of international scientific research and technical information. This is precisely the mission of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). 

This year is the fifth symposium "Way to the Arctic: challenges and prospects for the development of hydrocarbon reserves" will be held on the 01- 02.11.2018 organized jointly by Ukhta State Technical University, SPE and the Regional Association of Employers and Entrepreneurs of the Komi Republic. 

Aim of the symposium. The main goal of the symposium is to involve scientists, engineers and business representatives in solving urgent problems of developing Arctic offshore reserves, as well as identifying urgent scientific and technical challenges for the raw materials and energy industry in the far North.

Application & contact person. Applications and materials for participation in the symposium will be accepted until September 15, 2018. Contact person: Ovchinnikov Vyacheslav, Tel: +79121455774, E-mail: [email protected]

Participations will be able to present their achievements and ideas, familiarize with colleagues at technical level, discuss critical issues, have expert discussions and expand professional network.