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Ukhta State Technical University’s Library and information complex of Ukhta state technical University is one of the leading structural units of the University. The scientific and technical library of USTU founded in 1958 in order to improve the management, development and quality of library and information activities, book support of the educational process of the University in accordance with the requirements of educational standards.

USTU Library is a large educational and scientific unit in the structure of the University. The book Fund of which contains about 500 thousand copies of educational, scientific and reference literature. The library has an Internet site, modern means of communication, electronic library systems and electronic delivery of documents. Automation of the library is carried out by means of the automated information and library system "MARK-SQL".

More than 7,000 BIC users can benefit from a range of information, education and services. For them, there are 7 subscriptions, 6 reading rooms for students and a reading room of scientific periodicals with the MBA EDD sector. Staff consists of qualified librarians, bibliographers, information technology support specialists who are constantly improving their work.

Official Website: http://lib.ugtu.net/