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Future employees and employers have found each other

On Saturday, October 19, took place IX job fair at the same time in nine municipalities of Komi Republic. For the first time it included video feed with the participation of more than 20 companies of the region. Job fair at Ukhta was organized at the Industrial College of Ukhta State Technical University.

Within three hours, visitors of the fair got information about vacancies and promotional materials about employment, they also wrote summaries, filled out questionnaires, and asked questions to the employers.

According to Sergei Mayorov, the head of marketing and labor market monitoring SI KR "Ukhta Employment Center", Saturday's event was attended by about a hundred employers. The number of employees, who attended the event, will be known later, after processing profiles and other statistical data.

According to Mayorov, the fair is held in behalf of both sides. "It is possible to communicate directly with employers for those who want to find or change jobs, find extra money, in turn, they will be able to form or refine the personnel database", he said.

Demonstrating supply and demand in the labor market and being a multi-functional form of activity of Ukhta employment center, fair had information and advisory nature. In addition to representatives of enterprises and institutions of various areas, professional psychologist and an expert and consultant on resume writing were ready to provide their services to the public. In addition, there was "hotline" with experts of the employment centers throughout the region.

During the live video the representatives of enterprises LLC "Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta", JSC "Severgeofizika", branch of JSC "SITTEK" and Ukhta Branch of the "Logistics North- European gas pipeline" Company, as well as Deputy Chief of MDCD "Ukhta", Victor Telnov represented Ukhta.

IX Republican Job Fair once again proved its relevance: it helped Komi residents to find good job, and it helped employers to find qualified personnel from a large number of applicants.