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Christmas morning at the production-and-training center "Gazprom transgaz Ukhta"

People say that Christmas holidays are filled with special feeling of expecting something good and magical. It may be said that Christmas morning for our international students started in a magical way as well – they went to have an excursion at the production-and-training center  "Gazprom transgaz Ukhta", where training, retraining and advanced training in different areas of gas transportation is carried out.

International students of the preparatory course, who came to Ukhta for learning the Russian language and further study at USTU relatively recently, accompanied by the coordinator of International Department  were welcomed by lead engineer Bulanov Andrey Viktorovich and head of technical training department Dvoretskiy Sergey Alexandrovich within the walls of the production-and-training center.

At the beginning of the excursion the international students watched a short movie about a long way travelled by natural gas from a gas field to customers. After that everything what was watched in the movie could be seen and touched on the training ground « Lineal part of the main gas pipeline». There the guys couldn’t help asking lots of questions about all the specific details of gas transportation before it can be delivered for in household use to the guides. The excursion continued in the workshop, where the special trainer simulator «Technology of compressor shop» is located. Here students and staff, who have training, retraining and advanced training, practically learn all main production tasks connected with different working modes of compressor shop including accident-prevention trainings. Except that the international students saw dozens of cut units and sets of main and auxiliary gas compressor equipment in real sizes, tried to open and close hydraulic pump of block valves.

At the end of the excursion the international students took many pictures with trainer simulators in the background and thanked the guides, who made the excursion possible.  No doubt, such an unusual Christmas morning will be remembered for a long time.