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Through USTU departments

For two weeks, from 7th February to 16th February, several excursions were held for international students of the preparatory course on which they are studying the Russian language to the end of July. Despite the fact that there is not much time till the entrance exams start, not all international students have made up their mind and still have doubts on what direction to continue their education at USTU. Therefore, to have a clear picture of what they will be able to study at a particular department, international department arranged a number of excursions for international students.

The international students visited five departments: Computer science, information systems and technologies; Well drilling; Design and exploitation of main oil and gas pipelines; Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields and underground hydromechanics and Architecture. In addition, they watched the presentation of departments, visited the classrooms and laboratories, in which they may have their lessons in the future, saw models of the facilities and equipment needed in industry. They also had the opportunity to have conversations with the heads of departments and lecturers personally.

It is worth noting that the guys were really impressed with the excursion tours, and finally decided what specialty they are going to choose. In this regard, we express our gratitude to everybody who made these excursions possible: head of the department of Computer science, information systems and technologies K. V. Rochev, head of the department of Architecture G. I. Pimenova, Associate Professor of the department of Well drilling G. V. Buslaev, head of department of Design and exploitation of main oil and gas pipelines S. V. Petrov , head of the department of Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields and underground hydromechanics O. A. Morozyuk.