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Graduation Ceremony 2018

On Saturday, 30 th June, 2018, a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas of higher and secondary vocational education was held in the educational and sports complex "Burevestnik" of Ukhta State Technical University.

This year 1365 specialists, bachelors and masters of the Institute of Geology, Oil and Gas Production and Pipeline Transport, the Institute of Civil Building and Engineering, the Institutes of Economics, Management and Information Technologies, the Institute of Industry. 107 graduates received red diplomas. It should be noted that among them there were 4 students from the far abroad - Angola, Mexico and Serbia.

The ceremony continued with the march of the column of graduates through the streets of the town and traditional photography on the stairs of the KiO park. In addition, a concert was organized for all graduates on the square near the main building of the university.