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Laboratory complex “Labor Protection and Industrial Safety” of Transneft was opened at USTU

For many years Ukhta University has been actively cooperating with Transneft, in particular, its subsidiary Transneft North. Another remarkable result of this fruitful interaction was the presentation of new nominal audiences of the Department of Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection on October 18, 2019 at the Ukhta State Technical University.

Welcoming the leadership of the university, guests of the event and students, the general director of Transneft North, Rustem Islamov, emphasized that the new laboratory complex is an investment of the company not only in long-term partnerships with the university and personnel prospects of the company, but also in the development of the oil and gas industry. In addition, Rustem Rilievich praised the constructive dialogue that the company and the university developed during the implementation of the project. “Clarity and coherence in working with the leadership of the USTU are very close to us,” said R. Islamov, “we are always confident in the proper quality of the university’s approach to working together.”

In turn, the president of USTU, professor Nikolai Tskhadaya described the updated laboratory complex as the center of modern technologies and methodological developments, which, according to Nikolai Denisovich, is a logical continuation of the partnership traditions. “All our joint ventures are stages in the implementation of a single strategy. You know how unique a partnership project our training ground is. And the skills that he can get, combined with the powerful training in the new laboratory complex will provide us with truly highly qualified specialists”, concluded the President of USTU.

Ruslan Aginei, acting rector of Ukhta University, joined in with the parting words of his colleagues, focusing attention on the pursuit of life safety and all its processes as one of the most important basic principles of humanity. Ruslan Viktorovich thanked Transneft and its subsidiary Transneft North for a deep and professional understanding of the goals and content of university education. He also assured the management of the enterprise that the USTU intends to continue to do everything possible to ensure the staffing and research needs of the company.