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USTU Students take part in the organization of the APEC Summit

There will be a summit of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) in Vladivostok, In September 2012. To provide the forum events in the Far East and Russian island sent eleven students of Ukhta State Technical University.

August 10, 2012 two students of student construction team, which is headed by the "Fortuna" commander Yevgeny Rybin, Korotina Elena and Lakhtionova Ksenia, has gone to prepare for the summit in Vladivostok. Elena and Ksenia will work as the maids in a hotel building campus of Far Eastern Federal University Russian Island.

On August 16, 2012 the next group of students of "Fortune", which consists of five people: Igina Natalia, Karelina Julia, Kuznetsova Ekaterina, Levanova Alena and Mitrofanov Irina will go to work.