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Rassokhin reading
On February 8-9 in Ukhta State Technical University there was the Fifth International Scientific-practical seminar "Rassokhin reading" in memory of Gennady Rassokhin - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, rector of the Ukhta Industrial Institute from 1980 to 1997.
Grand opening of the readings was on 8 February, on the Day of Russian science in the congress hall of the university. Welcoming the participants, the President of USTU N.D. Tskhadaya said that over the years since the first Rassokhin readings, this forum has taken a very important place in the general palette of research and innovation activities of the university: "For all the versatility of our university oil and gas direction remains dominant - both share in the educational process and its significance in the scientific activities of the University. And our workshop was one of the points of concentration, one of the focal points in the annual series of university research activities. Traditions established in 2009, has become stronger, become a significant and beneficial phenomenon in research and educational activities of the entire community of oil and gas high schools of Russia, and therefore, in the context of the human resources policy of the domestic oil and gas industry."
The head MDUD "Ukhta" R. Melnik welcomed the participants and guests of the seminar; he noted the high importance of forum not only for the university, but also for the city as a whole.
The guests of honor at the seminar were the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of RK Yu.V. Lisin, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources of RK A. Popov, professor of Central aero hydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky V.N. Semenov, Deputy Director General - Director of LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "PechorNIPIneft" in Ukhta A.N. Danilenko, Director of the work with the regions LLC "RN - Northern Oil" N. N. Gerasimov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan N .T. Bondarenko, the Head of the Department of Continuum Mechanics and offshore oil and gas business of Murmansk State Technical University A.N. Papusha, Advisor to the General Director of JSC "Orgenergogaz" N. Kh. Khallyev.
The Presidium of the readings included USTU Rector, Professor N.D. Tskhadaya, the head of MDUD "Ukhta" R. Melnik, the Head of the Gas Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization, member of the Board of Russian Joint Stock Company "Gazprom" B.V. Budzulyak, the Chair of "The development of offshore oil and gas fields" State Oil and gas University named after I.M. Gubkin B.A. Nikitin.
N.Kh. Khallyev and B.V. Budzulyak gave USTU rector their study letters on gas issue. ND Tskhadaya, in turn, presented the certificate of Professor to R.V. Aginey, the Head of the Department "Design and operation of trunk oil pipelines" USTU.
During the plenary session there were the following presentations: "The global gas market and the strategy of" JSC "Gazprom" (B.V. Budzulyak), "Priorities in the field of technology" (B.A. Nikitin), "Support and extension of a safe and secure gas pipelines "(N. Kh. Khallyev)," Mathematical Modeling Laboratory in the oil business. Condition and prospects "(AI Kobrunov)," Alternative ways of development of small aircraft in Russia "(V.N. Semenov).
The work was continued in four sections: "Geology of hydrocarbons", "Development and exploitation of oil and gas", "Current issues of the main transport of oil and gas", "Mathematical modeling of the oil and gas business." Break-out sessions were continued on February 9. In total, this year's seminars were personated by 116 participants.
On 9 February morning, there was the meeting in memory of G.V. Rassokhin, and the closing of the workshop was at 16.00.