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USTU Students to Get Acquainted with High Technology at Training Ground
JSC Northern Oil Trunk Pipelines (JSC "SMN") in cooperation with Ukhta State Technical University and JSC Lukoil-Komi has created a training ground at Mining and Petroleum College. Its main purpose is to improve the quality of training of specialists for the oil and gas industry. At the new site, students will be able to apply their knowledge in practice while working with high-tech equipment.
The training ground has been created during three months and consists of 11 sites. Each site has equipment for use in different areas of production and main oil transport facilities. It total, the training ground has 39 items of equipment previously used at facilities of JSC SMN: pump units and utility pumps, electric motors, valves, almost all types of repair constructions, strainer, air escape valves, instrumentation line of a metering station.
At the solemn opening of the training ground on September 4, Vice President of JSC Transneft, Pavel Revel-Muroz in his speech called USTU the talent foundry, which trains specialists for the entire fuel and energy sector, in particular for the company Transneft. He expressed his confidence that the training ground will become effective support for the training process.
"Russian proverb says: seeing once is better than hearing twice; this saying fits in perfectly with our field of work. Professionals that come into work at our facilities should know well how the equipment and the trunk oil pipeline system work, as well be aware of specific features of technological process. And when students see this equipment at the training ground, get acquainted in detail with the functionality of the equipment and develop basic skills, they learn much more quickly and so will work better. The training ground gives the opportunity to the College and the University to train even more high-skilled specialists. I believe the Faculty soon will see this," said P. Revel-Muroz.
Acting head of the Republic of Komi Vyacheslav Gaiser said that step by step, from words to deeds, we are moving towards modernization of vocational education, and Ukhta University with its branches is a prime example of this work.
"The main thing is that our education system trains staff with a clear idea for whom. And employers, in their turn, know they will receive high-level specialists. I am sincerely glad that this cooperation is developing. I hope that Ukhta University will continue to be the engine of the modernization of education in the Republic."
University Rector Nikolay Tskhadaya said that the entire production chain will be presented at the training ground, as well as the entire technological process - from production to transportation and refining of oil and gas. He said the opening of the training ground is highly symbolic as it takes place on the day of the anniversary of the oil and gas industry, and draw attention to the reconstructed "hut" of ore finder, Fyodor Pryadunov, who was the first in Russia to begin gathering oil seeping from the bed of the river Ukhta in the 18th century. Two more sites of the training ground, according to the Rector of USTU, will open next year.