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Certificates from TOTAL

On Tuesday, March 10 Ukhta State Technical University hosted awarding of certificates to undergraduate and postgraduate students who in February followed a five-day course of lectures delivered by not-for-profit TOTAL Professors Association.

We'd like to remind that the theme of lectures given by Professor Jean Bera was offshore drilling techniques and operations. Circa 60 people attended the course in full, and they were issued the certificates that confirmed their knowledge. It is worth noting that 46 of them have successfully passed the final test on the knowledge of the topic, receiving 60 or more points out of possible 100.

Professor Alain Quenelle, founder of the non-profit TOTAL Professors Association handed the certificates to future oil and gas workers. But he arrived in Ukhta University not only for this purpose. During the week, Monsieur Quenelle will deliver two courses of lectures - Fixed Offshore Platforms and Offshore Pipelines. The lectures are proposed for the benefit of students, master's degree students and postgraduates majoring in Oil and Gas Specialties.