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Portuguese at USTU

At the beginning of March everyone who enjoys Portuguese could attend lessons of the Portuguese language arranged by the International Department of USTU. The lessons are conducted by a native Portuguese speaker Jose Massunga who comes from Angola.

At the first lesson Jose showed all the advantages of studying Portuguese. One of the most important reason is that the Portuguese language is widely used in many countries such as Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, Giunea-Bissau, Mozambique, Equatorial Guinea and even in some parts of China.

The first lesson was started with some greetings and simple questions in Portuguese: «Meu nome é Jose. Qual é o seu nome?» After that students learned the Portuguese alphabet (which is familiar with the English one, but there are some pronouncing differences), some useful phrases and personal pronouns, which are often used in the everyday speech. All the new phrases were practiced during the lesson in pairs and with the teacher.

Lessons let students learn basics of the Portuguese language and culture. They will be conducted in a form of a panel discussion. The most important thing is not to be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone is invited for the lessons. Those who just started learning Portuguese can study new words, phrases and grammar constructions; but those ones who already knows it have a good opportunity to practice their language skills in conversations.

Everyone can attend the lessons every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 pm. In the main building of USTU. For more information turn to the International Department (774-556, agrigoriev@ugtu.net).