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Unity Day “We are Russians. Power in Unity”

On 4th November, a public holiday, a few students of USTU didn’t stay at home, but headed for the Republican Ethno forum “We are Russians. Power in Unity”, which was held in the ethnocultural park inside the village called Yb in the outskirts of Syktyvkar, the capital of the Komi Republic.

The forum coincided with the Unity Day was organized by the Federal agency for nationality affairs, the Ministry of national politics of the Komi Republic and the Republican House of Peoples’ Friendship.   The forum gathered together representatives of ethnocultural groups, youth organizations, public authority for discussing the unity of Komi peoples.

Representatives of International Department together with three international students from Angola, Cameroon and Nigeria couldn’t help missing such an event and meet peoples, who live on the territory of the Komi Republic, discuss the role of mass media and youth in development of Russian identity and enjoy Komi national dish called shanga. Except this all the participants of the forum took part in different seminars and roundtable discussions.

At the end of the forum everyone joined a round dance holding each other by the hand, performing national songs, having excursions round the ethno park and a delicious lunch.

International students of USTU were proud to admit that such a big number of foreign citizens in the Komi Republic study at our University only. That’s why they attracted attention of journalists, press photographers and other participants of the forum who couldn’t stop taking selfies and interviews with them. An eventful trip to Yb will be kept in memories for a long time.