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Olympiad in Russian among international students
On 21st February, 2017 the 5th All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language among international students of Russian universities was completed in the Ural State University of Economics (Yekaterinburg, USUE). The event was attended by 210 international students from 50 countries, 36 regions of Russia and 67 universities.
USTU took part in such a language competition for the first time. The representative of our university was an international student from Kazakhstan Artur Sidorenko, who is a 3rd year student of the group РЭНГМ-3-14 at the moment.
As the Olympiad Russian was held among all international students who speak the language at different levels, it was divided into four categories:
1. students of the preparatory course;
2. undergraduate students of 1-2 year (bachelor’s and specialist’s);
3. undergraduate students of 3-4 year (bachelor’s and specialist’s);
4. undergraduate students of 5 year (Specialist’s), Master’s degree and postgraduate studies.
The Olympiad was held in two stages: written and oral. As for a written work, it was a composition on a topic selected by the organizers. The oral stage was a role-play on a given topic.
Despite the fact that for the first time the USTU representative wasn’t lucky enough to bring any award, it could be useful experience of participation in the activities of such a level.
At the end of the Olympiad there was a new place of the 6th All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language among international students of Russian universities in 2018 settled by lot, the winner of which was the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow).