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VII Summer School 2019 in Colombia

Ukhta State Technical University took part in the VII Summer School in Colombia with a lecture entitled “Some remarks on how technical requirements and regulations for the offshore drilling industry adopted after the oil spill occurred in the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico are affecting exploratory drilling activities in the Arctic offshore”. The lecture was given in Spanish by Ramon Alfonso Perdomo Salcedo, a USTU graduate student.
The masters of Petroleum Engineering and Research System at the National University of Colombia - in Medellin, seek to create a dynamic teamwork between industry and academy at the annual science event, called Summer School (Escuela de Verano in Spanish). It is a space for free discussion with the presence of the best specialists, national and international experts who share their developments in the field of the oil industry so that the same problem can be attacked with different points of view. Besides, hundreds of students take part in the conference, so they can feel the dynamics and scale of the issues being addressed and begin to approach their research based on the urgent tasks for their professional field.
At the seventh conference, which was held under the name “New Technologies in Productivity and Enhanced Recovery of Oil and Gas” from May 29 to May 31, 2019, strategic plans were identified, how to increase hydrocarbon production in Colombia, using the latest oil production methods.
The main objective was to provide information on the latest advances in new technologies used in the process of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes based on the current challenges of the oil and gas industry.