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International Students of the Preparatory Department Have Passed a Final Exam in the Russian Language

On June 10 and 11, International students - graduates of the preparatory department of the International Department of Ukhta University passed the exam in Russian. Students from Nigeria, India, Zimbabwe, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Cameroon, Ghana, Sudan impressed the commission not only with knowledge of the subject, but also with a thoughtful attitude to the educational process, mature reflections on the lives of great people, their own future and moral norms of society. All this they successfully demonstrated in the process of listening, speaking, writing, reading, as well as the grammar and lexical stages of the exam.

The teachers themselves, who trained students all year, noted their activity and diligence. The students, in turn, expressed their gratitude to their mentors. Some of them intend to continue training in the magistracy of the USTU in the specialties "management" and "oil and gas business".