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The celebration of the new school year

This year’s Knowledge Day, contrary to tradition, took place on September 2. A new page in life has begun for first-year students of Ukhta State Technical University. Teachers, guests of the holiday and freshmen lined up in a hall decorated with colorful balloons and bright signs. After the banners of the Russian Federation, the Komi Republic and the Ukhta State Technical University were introduced and the hymns were played, the floor was given to the President of the Ukhta State Technical University, Professor Nikolay Tskhadai:

"Our city of Ukhta was created as an outpost for the development of a huge part of the territory of the European North of the country, so the birthday of Ukhta actually coincides with the birthday of the oil and gas industry of the Komi Republic. The university team is grateful to you and your parents for the fact that at one of the most important intersections in life you made a choice in favor of our large multidisciplinary technical university, which we and our partners in the fuel and energy complex of the Russian economy rightly call the Northern Outpost of Russian oil and gas education. I heartily congratulate you on the right choice."

Acting Rector of the USTU Ruslan Aginei proposed to plunge into university life with his head from the very first days of study at the university: "For an educational institution, each new student enrollment is a new breath. At our university it is already fifty-third. With you, dear freshmen, we have great expectations. You must become the new guides of the idea of ​​higher technical education throughout your life, the guides of the best traditions of Ukhta State Technical University. And you must create new traditions that will be continued by subsequent generations of students of USTU. And this is the most important mission. Learn, do science, get involved in social activities. Become professionals and true citizens of Russia. Go for it! And welcome to Ukhta State Technical University!"