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Ukhta State Technical University welcomes new Fulbrighters

In mid-September in Ukhta State Technical University welcomed 2 young Fulbright lecturers from the United States: Anna Louise Campbell and Michelle Christine Schulte. The American women came on a leading international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and aimed at strengthening mutual understanding between the United States and Russia.

Under the terms of the grant, during the 11 academic months, the ladies will train, participate in cultural activities aimed at familiarizing themselves with Russian culture, and engage in research activities. The international Department of USTU has already drafted an action plan to make their stay in Ukhta city worthwhile.

Last week, Anna and Michelle managed to visit the training ground of the mining College, the business incubator of USTU, theater-Studio of the University "Freski", also visited the elementary school" Rostok", visited the geological Museum of the University, visited all the buildings of Ukhta University, took part in the opening of the new season of the preparatory faculty and even participated in the annual Russian cross country race in Ukhta city.

In the near future, the Americans-visit Ukhta technical Lyceum named after G. V. Rassokhin, regular meetings with English language club at the business incubator of USTU and they’ll be celebrating the Day of European languages in the elementary school "Rostok".

Both ladies are Fulbright assistant teachers of the English language and have previously visited other cities in Russia.

Attracting foreign students and lecturers gives University students the opportunity to practice foreign languages with native speakers, and teachers of the Department of foreign languages allows to adopt the experience of language teaching in America and improve their skills.