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PR is a profession of the third millennium
From 08 to 12 April HEF USTU students participated in the XIII All-Russian Festival of students and faculty with international participation «PR is a profession of the third millennium", which was held at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after Ulyanov (Lenin).
This year the festival included 75 teams from different regions of Russia, as well as Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Number of teams surpassed all records of previous years. Ukhta State Technical University was represented by "PaRtizany" team, consisting of six students of "Public Relations". They were Maxim Lazin, Roman Fedotov, Julia Gibadatova, Xenia Lanovenko, Christina Rumyantseva, and Anastasia Yakupova.
The festival program was sufficiently saturated: students attended master classes by leading experts in the field of PR, advertising, marketing, presentations at student conference "PRoryv - 2013"; they solved cases from MTS, took part in the event from the company «Coca-Cola», PR-Quest to the sights of St. Petersburg, in the event of information agency "RIA Novosti" (the theme "How PR-specialist should interact with news agencies"), in an interactive event from the company «Idealogy» (the theme "Copywriting in New Media "), listened to the lecture of Professor of the University of Ede (Netherlands) Tonna Feena on the topic« Transparency & Governance in Communication / PR ». On the last day, the participants defended the projects to promote mobile Internet for MTS Company.
During the five days of fruitful work students not only joined the knowledge base (i.e. - learn the secrets of working with the media, the future development of mobile applications, new technologies in the field of PR, advertising and marketing, about the features of one of the largest news agencies in Russia "RIA-Novosti" and many others), but also were able to apply all previously received and new knowledge in practice, in particular in dealing with cases and tasks of the leading Russian companies.
At the end of the festival team "PaRtizany" reached the final and received a diploma for a case solution on from MTS, as well as the award for first place and the free online English language courses for the best deal of homework to promote Japanese language in St. Petersburg for Education First language school.
HEF students participate in the festival for the third consecutive year, and their performance is improving year by year. This year they reached the finals, won the first place in one of the nominations and were among the best teams. The festival jury proved the fact that young PR-specialists from Ukhta are sufficiently serious competition for students from large cities. Such an optimistic attitude inspires the "PaRtizan" to come home with a victory next year.