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USTU representative took part in the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program (ITEC)

From February 3 to February 14, 2020, the head of the international department Anton Grigorev took part in a training course on the topic “Effective Resource Management Strategies for Educational Organizations” at the National Research Institute for the Training of Technical Teachers (Bhopal, India) in accordance with the quota from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indian Government under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program (ITEC).

As part of the course, various strategies that are applicable to the resources of educational institutions were discussed. The results of the course should be an understanding by the training participants of the general concepts of resource management, as well as a deep understanding of competitive advantages, resource allocation, material management, inventory control and cost optimization. The following main topics were considered: strategic planning and management, inventory and materials management, human resources management in educational organizations and universities, cost reduction strategies, evaluating the quality of services provided, strategies for optimizing the use of limited resources and others.

During the course, study visits to educational and industrial organizations of the region were organized, where the applied resource management strategies were demonstrated.

In addition, a meeting was held with the director of the National Research Institute for the Training of Technical Teachers, Dr. Tangaraj. During the meeting, possible options for cooperation between the USTU and the institute were discussed, including within the framework of the ITEC program.

Reference: The ITEC Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program involves interaction and mutually beneficial partnerships. India has rich experience in economic development and has qualified human resources and technologies appropriate to the geographic and environmental conditions of partner countries. Training is offered in various subjects, such as accounting, auditing, banking and finance, management, advanced computer technology, information technology, telecommunications, labor issues, business development, development of small and medium-sized businesses, English, mass communications, planning in areas of education and management, education and research, the environment and renewable energy, etc. The program is fully funded by the Government of India.