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For researchers

All students, postgraduate students, young researchers and scientists of Ukhta State Technical University are engaged in creating new knowledge to bring an innovative, entrepreneurial spirit to this work of discovery. USTU students take on audacious problems, bring imaginative new approaches to solving them, and work collaboratively to advance knowledge and make meaningful contributions to our world.

At their disposal they have a large library with a great choice of printed books and manuscripts and more than 100 thousand electronic resources, 20 laboratories and 12 educational buildings, the training ground which helps in getting the concept of mineral extraction, processing and transportation ways.

The main objective of research and development is to educate competent and skilled researchers capable of producing high quality research and assuming responsibility in the processes of regional value creation.  In co-operation with private and public institutions, the university’s research and academic environments contribute to developing the region’s societal, working and business life and living conditions. USTU strives to enhance the quality of research by stimulating innovation in existing activities, as well as by establishing new, relevant projects.