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A gathering dedicated to the memory of A.H. Mirzadzhanzade
On September 30, at the Congress Hall of USTU, hosted a gathering dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the famous scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Azad Halilović Mirzadzhanzade.
In the early evening, students, faculty and staff of the university were showed a film, shot by Bashkir TV documentalists: it contains, drawing on memories of his colleagues, students and friends of the scientist, detailed information about the life of Mirzadzhanzade and about his development as a scientist and creator of the whole scientific school. Separate part of the film devoted to the contribution of Azad Mirzadzhanzade to the development of oil and gas business both in the Soviet Union, later Russia, and abroad.
Scientific methods of Mirzadzhanzade also have their adherents in Ukhta. One of the pupils of the Azerbaijani scientist, rector of USTU, Nikolai Tskhadaya was not able to attend the gathering, as he was at the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the hometown of scientist, in Baku, but left his video message:
"Azad Halilovic has made a great contribution to the development of oil and gas formation of the Soviet Union. Scientific School, which he established, developed, largely thanks to our university, the rector of the Ural State Technical University said. He came to Ukhta very often, and the basis of the scientific knowledge of our institution was laid by Mirzadzhanzade. I sincerely wish that the future generations of our oil and gas industry know about this great man and his achievements as much as possible.
Professors Alexander Mordvinov, Zafar Yagubov and Vladimir Nekuchaev shared their memories of their meetings with Azad Mirzadzhanzade.
The highlight of the event was the presentation of letters of appreciation to the best students of Ukhta Institute of Oil and Gas and Mining and Oil College, the future continuer of the great scientist.
Decorations of the gathering were the performances of amateur artists and USTU creative groups.
Azad Halilovic Mirzadzhanzade was born on September 29, 1928 in Baku. He graduated from the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute as a mining engineer. In 1958, he became a doctor of technical sciences. In the years 1952-1960 Mirzadzhanzade A. was an associated professor, Professor of Theoretical Mechanics and Geophysics Department of Azerbaijan State University. In 1962-1977 he was the head of the department of development and exploitation of oil fields of Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after M. Azizbekov.
In 1991, A. Mirzadzhanzade was elected as an honorary member of the Bashkir Academy of Sciences. In 1995 he was elected a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Azad Mirzadzhanzade is an author of 373 scientific publications, 54 scientific inventions. More than 300 doctors and 120 candidates of sciences were trained under his leadership.
The scientist proposed a law with the initial pressure gradient in filtering liquids and gases. They were offered the differential equation describing the motion of viscose-plastic media filtration and condensate systems in porous environment. Relaxation filtration law was proposed. A. Mirzadzhanzade developed a methodological basis for the development of deposits of non-Newtonian oil and gas condensate systems. He developed hydrodynamic basis of hole in the complicated conditions. He proposed and implemented a variety of fields to control the operation of pipeline transportation of oil and gas exploration and well drilling. A system analysis of processes of oil and gas was developed. Dynamic methods of development of offshore oil fields were designed and implemented.