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African team VS USTU staff team
How do you usually spend your weekend? Sleeping a lot and doing nothing?
Speaking of our international students and USTU staff, they always have quality time at the weekend. Last Sunday, on 29th May, there was a football game between the African team and USTU staff team. The game was divided into two halves; each of them lasted for 20 minutes. During a challenging game the USTU staff team won by a score of 7 to 3.
It is worth mentioning that last year the African team left the USTU staff team behind. The score was 4 to 1. So the tally of both games captured a 1-1 tie. Looking forward to the third game, which will set up a leader.
Source: https://vk.com/ssk_planeta_university?w=wall-77502344_1071%2Fall