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Learn Russia through USTU

Last Sunday, on 9th October, 2016, there was an event, which belongs to the Welcome Week, annually organized by the international department. Traditionally newly arrived international students as well as staff and trainees of the international department went to the recreational center at Krokhal, where guests from all over the world could really admire beauty of the northern nature and enjoy food cooked over an open fire.


The English Club. Return.

September is not only the month marking the beginning of the school year in Russia, but also the most suitable time to open new opportunities in terms of education. For example, on one of the last days of the autumn month, on 29th September, 2016, at 5 pm at the international department of USTU (office 321/1 "A") the English Club was re-launched.


USTU swimming pool

Soon the USTU infrastructure will be enlarged thanks to the construction of the swimming pool for students. It is planned to build by the end of 2016 next to the Mining and Oil College. The construction has been started since September, 2015. Even if the swimming pool is not ready yet, you can watch how it is being built 24 hours a day at: http://en.ugtu.net/swimming-pool


The preparatory course has begun!

The study year has just begun, and all students have already drowned into the learning process. If for Russian students it does not cause serious difficulties, for international students it is a tough trial. According the admission campaign more than 120 new international students will study at the university this year, among which about 20 people are from far abroad countries. The last mentioned ones arrived at USTU to study the Russian language at the preparatory course at the international department.


Internship at the International Department

Last Monday, on 19th September, 2016, there was an express interview among USTU students, who wanted to get an internship at the international department.


New international students at USTU

According to results of the admission campaign over 120 new international students from 28 countries of near and far abroad will study at the University this academic year. Thus, the total number of international students this year is more than 450 people.


An American lecturer at USTU

With a help of the "Distinguished Lecturer" program outstanding representatives of oil and gas scientific developments can give their lectures to students all over the world to discuss the challenges and solutions in this field.


A Fulbright teaching assistant at USTU

Yesterday, on 15th September, late at night a long-awaited guest from the United States arrived at Ukhta. Sara Jean Mills, who prefers to be called Scout, is a grant-holder of the Fulbright program for teaching assistants.


USTU takes part in the first Congress of UArctic

On 12th September, 2016 the first in the history Congress of University of the Arctic (UArctic) started its work at St. Petersburg State University. USTU was represented by the head of the International Department Anton Grigoriev.


Professors of the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology visited USTU

In the framework of cooperation between USTU and Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, from 29th to 30 August 2016 Ukhta was visited by delegation of professors from Freiberg: Director of the Institute of Drilling Engineering and Fluid Mining, Moh'd M. Amro  and research associate of the same institute Frederick Rose.
